Description of Roohis Aaja - 2 bhk apartment at OMR Road, Chennai |
Roohis Aaja is one of the popular residential developments in OMR road, neighborhood of Chennai. Project has various modern amenities like 24Hr Backup, Rain Water Harvesting, Car Park etc.
RCC framed Structure with RCC Function
Anti-termite treatment will be provided.
9"/41/2" (deemed neccessary) thick brick / solid blocks wall for the outer and 4-1/2" thick brick /solid Hi icks wall tin the internal panitiim.
Rain water harvesting.
Wall finishes
internal walls • emulsion over putty application
Toilet wally glazed ceramic tiks of 2 colors with
designer border up to 7 feet
Toilets kitchen and balconies: cement plaster and cement pant Ilado 2 ft above the kitchen platthmi & glared ceramic tiks.
Exterior walls: cement plaster painted to architect's specification
Ceiling: with oil based distemper finish
Vitrified MCC.
'Collets anti-skid ceramic tiles.
Doors and ‘Vindows Entrance Door - TEAK
%%roost framed soiled wooden paneled doors, natural / ineLimine finish, 1h-signer lock of prime brand
Bedroom doors
30mm thick premium moulded skin doors with enamel paints of both sides. Toilets water poor fluth doors. Window
UPVC/ equivalent windows for frame and shuncm, plain glass will be used. Painted MS grills inside.
Glazed Tiles upto 3 feet
Kitchens Granite Plarfomi, Single bowl SS sink
One loft and one wardrobe.
Quality switches, plug, telephone, TV and Computer points with ISI cables AC and heater points